To initiate an exchange, contact us by sending us an email. Please advise to us your order number and email address as well as the bag you are looking to exchange for. A shipping label will be emailed to you shortly after you complete the process.
If you placed an order within the US, you have 30 days to complete your exchange by following these steps:
a) Return your order (you will be emailed a prepaid shipping label; return shipping is free).
b) Indicate which item you would like to receive instead.
c) Once we receive your return, we will either refund you or send you an invoice to complete payment for the difference in the amount of the new order.
d) We will then ship you the exchange item as soon as this is complete. (Shipping is on us).
Please contact us if you have any questions.
In the rare case that your Margot item arrives damaged, we will be happy to make an exchange (of the same style and color) free of charge.